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Funtiques at ...

green gallery

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Funtiques Mall Display

Posted on December 15, 2015 at 6:54 PM Comments comments (84)
A Fun Mall Display

In October of 2015 a sales representative from the Battlefield Mall in Springfield Mo. came to me at Green Gallery and asked if we would be interested in a advertising experiment in the Mall.  She had been to our store in Ozark and thought that we might be a good candidate for the adventure.  I met with her at Battlefield Mall and she showed me several of the planters where we could create a display.  The planters were being used for the traditional tropical plants and mulch.  They looked very nice but she was trying to think outside the box in how else the spaces could be used.  

It was a strange shaped space but large and in a good location.

After some negotiating we agreed to a three month planter space in the middle of the Mall located between the American Eagle and Hollister stores.  It is a odd shaped space with one end being 4 feet off the floor level and the other end being 2 feet off the floor.  There are steps on one side and a ramp on the other so there is viewing on all sides.

 The plants and mulch were removed.  We put a base of plywood down over the remaining pebbles to make it easier to work with and so we could secure our items to it.  We discussed several options for covering the flooring 
and ended up with burlap being the most inexpensive and neutral. 

It took 4 sheets of plywood to cover the odd shaped space.

After lots of space planning via graph paper and working with the space on site we ended up dividing the planter into two segments.  We wanted to have a backdrop to play off of to create a Mod Retro living space.  In front of the partition we put a Mod 60's sectional, Round Red Shag Rug, Mod 60's TV, a Bright Yellow 70's Arched Floor Lamp, a Spool with a Mid Century 6 ft. Aluminum Silver Tinsel Tree and Clear Acrylic boxes with Fun Vintage Items in them.

On the opposite side of the wall we created a little garden space.

We ordered a cling with our logo so we could attach it to our vintage Mod TV!

On the ramp side we created a glass case full of Vintage, Mid Century and Fun Items that people could look at when walking by.

Our signage consisted of two signs with both Funtiques and Green Gallery logo's, a map, verbiage and a 25% discount if they took a photograph the sign and brought it to Green Gallery.  We have had new people from the Mall almost every day since we put the display up!!

This was the completion of phase 1 of our Mall Display


You have to change it up to keep people looking.  Check it out!

A Vintage Fireplace decorated for the Holiday's, Live Cut Christmas Tree Painted shades of Hot Pink, Danish Modern and Industrial Furnishings complete the new display! 

Check back with us for Phase 3!!