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A Fun Vintage Baby Shower!

Posted on December 15, 2015 at 1:59 PM
Vintage Baby Shower!!

Last Summer a Mother came to me and asked about Green Gallery being the venue for her daughters Baby Shower.  She had expressed how much her daughter loved Vintage and thought Green Gallery would be the perfect place for the gathering.  She also wanted me to decorate and come up with a take home gift for the guests.  

Every table was set with vintage linens, dishes, flower pots and decor.  
Prior to the shower I set each table to see how it would look.  This picture is minus the drinking glasses,  tableware and centerpiece plant.

    Several of the tables had scrabble boards with words like      baby boy. precious, the Mamma's name....

Each Table had Vintage Toys, fun Scrabble Words and of course Flowers and Lemon Cypress plants as center pieces.

I also used vintage blocks to spell out messages for the tables

I came up with this crazy idea to use vintage baby shoes as a succulent planter for the guest gift.  I really did not think it would be as hard as it was to locate 30 shoes for the project.  If you decide to do this project be sure to give yourself plenty of time to hunt for the shoes. 

I took the laces out and separated the shoes and spray painted the shoes colors that would match the vintage table clothes.  

Several coats of paint, ribbon laces and the shoes were ready for dirt and succulent cuttings.  I also added a few pebbles so you would not see the dirt in the finished shoe. 

The shoes turned out great and everyone was excited to take their little guest gift home.

It was a fun project and hopefully a beautiful memory for those who attended.

Categories: Fun Projects and Events

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Reply Sandra
4:55 AM on January 7, 2016 
Totally please to see all those baby products! As a mom I like those toys very much and I hope My John will love also. Thansk for this post for sharing.
Reply Natasha
8:22 AM on April 9, 2016 
Hope you have great fun at your Vintage Baby Shower. We are also organizing Baby Shower in next month. Hope have fun there also.
Reply Nadia
6:50 AM on April 22, 2016 
It's actually a nice useful part of info. I will be contented you discussed this handy info about. You should stop us up to date this way. Many thanks for discussing.
Reply Averill Jace
1:51 PM on May 20, 2016 
Not everyone feels they are a natural hostess when it comes to throwing a baby shower party; however, if you put these basic components together, you will not fail and the mom-to-be will be sure to appreciate all your efforts! But for other references, please visit
Reply here
8:24 AM on June 18, 2016 
I think its really best Vintage Baby Shower products that boost the look of your entire baby shower party. Hope you have fun there.
Reply eumas
8:29 AM on June 28, 2016 
Coats of paint, lace bands and the shoes were prepared for earth and succulent cuttings. I likewise included a couple of stones so you would not see the earth in the completed shoe.
Reply Intermountain Supplyments
5:15 AM on July 18, 2016 
Wonderful. really nice baby products. i like these all.You absolutely have wonderful stories. Cheers for sharing with us your blog. Thanks...
Reply professional san francisco plumbers
11:51 AM on October 7, 2016 
I visit your blogs and get updated through the information you include but today’s blog would be the most appreciable.Thanks for sharing your blog with me Keep sharing your next posts.
Reply Kenneth Cohen
8:20 AM on December 16, 2016 
Very impressive vintage baby shower products. I will use some of this for my sister in law's baby shower ceremony.
Reply plumbers Kansas city
10:41 AM on April 27, 2017 
After a thorough read to your post I want to say that you have shared best quality stuff in the content of the post.
4:12 PM on August 15, 2017 
Vintage baby shower is the best thing for showering the baby .It protect the baby from germs and also make no harms in baby eyes during bath. It also work as anti biotic for the baby
Reply write my assignment
12:47 PM on August 19, 2017 
Vintage baby shower is the best part and best time for a family. The person should have to celebrate it with full joy as well as with the most important thing that he can get in his life
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Reply Tony
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